Emerald City

Emerald City

Sunday, January 31, 2016


This blog site was originally created as a requirement for my English 201 class in the spring semester of 2013. I removed all of my old essays and assignments because they were fairly terrible and who wants to read research papers? 

Now it is January of 2016, I am graduating in May from Boise State University with a BA in Communication and minor in Nonprofit Management (Magna Cum Laude - woot woot). Although blogs are sometimes fun to read, I never saw myself as a blogger, but here we are... life requires me to blog once again. This time it is not for a class or a grade. This time the blog is more of a personal nature.

This little blog is going to be a place for me to update friends and family about our physical and mental health. I was recently diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. That's right folks, I won the random prize of having breast cancer. Yay for us! I say 'us' because this is not just about me, this is about my partner in crime and our five awesome offspring. This blog is for those I text or talk to everyday and others who receive annual Christmas cards. This blog is for loved ones who are in other states and want to know how we are doing, but are not sure what to say, when to call or what to do. So, this blog is about keeping everyone in the loop. 

Details: I found a lump in my left breast and after several tests, was diagnosed soon after. We meet with the surgeon on Monday, February 1st and we will come up with a game plan. 
What we know: The tumor is 3cm, but we will have to wait until our appointment to find out what stage we are in. Several things are fairly certain: 
1) I will need surgery.
2) I will need chemo.
3) This might impact this year's ski season... maybe.
4) I will continue working as long as possible because we need the monthly income.
5) I will continue my final semester of college and graduate in May. 
6) I do not particularly care for the color pink, so do not expect to see me wrapped up in pink ribbons anytime soon. 
7) I have never met a challenge I did not face head on... I am slightly stubborn this way. 

We are positive people and we plan to stay positive, but be warned, this blog might not be all faith and sunshine. We have no doubt that our Father in Heaven knows us by name and by the grace of our savior Jesus Christ, all things are possible. The atonement is real for each of us regardless of our religion. He stands knocking at the door and all we have to do is let Him in. God will not give us more than we can handle, so if He thinks we can handle this, then who are we to doubt Him? He will get us through this bump in the road and we will be stronger for it.

I will update this blog as often as possible and will try not to ramble. Please feel free to ask questions, comment or email me... unless you are a Debbie Downer... then feel free to keep it to yourself. :)   

Thank you for caring! - Therese

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